Planting Lavender

Getting Started with Lavender, Key Conditions for Success & How to Keep Your Lavender Thriving
Find the sunniest spot in your yard, as lavender thrives in full sunlight. This is the most important factor for encouraging strong, healthy growth and vibrant blooms. Aim for at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight each day for the best results.
Drainage & Soil
Ideally, lavender loves sandy loam, which is pretty common in Ontario. But if you're dealing with the heavy clay soil found along the lakeside of the Escarpment, the biggest challenge isn’t the soil itself—it’s drainage. Lavender absolutely cannot tolerate standing water. If it sits in a puddle for even a couple of days, it’s done. A low spot in clay soil? That’s the worst-case scenario.
In France, you’ll find lavender thriving in rocky, calcium-rich fields alongside grapevines, and that can work here too. But some of our biggest, healthiest lavender plants grow right alongside our roses in soil that’s been nurtured for decades. Every year, we top it off with a rich mulch I source from a local chicken farmer—it’s been a game changer!
Once the risk of frost has passed, it’s time to plant—but don’t rush it! A prolonged cold snap can wipe out young lavender plants. Based on experience, we never plant before June 1st. By then, the soil has warmed to around 12°C, and we’ve already prepped the ground.
To save ourselves from endless weeding, we cover the soil with a porous nylon weave ground cover, which you can find at most good garden or farm supply stores. It lets air and water through while keeping weeds at bay. We burn a 3-inch hole and drill down for our plants, but you can get the same result by cutting an "X" in the fabric and digging a hole just the right size for your 4-inch lavender plant.
When transplanting, be gentle with the roots! Some gardeners rough them up when taking them out of the pot—we don’t. Roots are everything. If the soil is moist and stays that way for the first month, they’ll spread on their own.
Water generously at first, making sure your plants don’t dry out for at least 30 to 60 days, depending on the weather. But don’t overdo it! If the lower leaves start turning yellow, you might be overwatering—cut back a little. If the plant starts to wilt, it likely needs more water. And whatever you do, don’t let your plants dry out before they even go in the ground or during that critical first month!
Got questions about planting or lavender care? We’d love to help! Send us a note through our website or email us directly at—we’re happy to chat!